Monday, 15 July 2013

A Summer Invitation

I was recently asked (at rather short notice) if I would be able to make a cake for a 35th wedding anniversary! As it was my lovely friend Katy asking, I had to say yes!

Katy is one of my best customers. In fact, I think that two thirds of the cakes I make, are for her! I don't mind though, as they are always fun, and she always gives me a lot of freedom to do what I want!! :)

This cake was fairly straightforward! It was to be a summer party, and the invitation had bunting on!!

After deciding how many people it was to feed, and that it needed to be dairy free, I just got baking!
Three simple white iced tiers, ribbon to (vaguely) match the bunting on the invite, and a few dozen small triangles to stick on!

I marked out the segments of the cake to make the bunting even, and added fondant strands (hand rolled). Between each strand I stuck a sugar pearl ball to hide the joins - and because, well, they look pretty!

I have lots of random shaped cutters, one of which is diamond shaped. I used this to cut my bunting triangles. I tried to imitate the bunting on the invite, so for some of the bunting, I used my textured rolling pin to give it a stripe, and then when it was all stuck to the cake I added some tiny silver edible stars to some of the triangles!
All that was then left was to hand cut a '35' to go on top, and box it up ready for it's journey across the country! I am assured it got there in one piece! 

Sunday, 7 July 2013

The Ironic cake!

For those of you who like me, don't watch Eurovision every year, I will explain about this cake! 
Every year, Eurovision has a different logo! This year, that logo was a butterfly! Also, Wales does not compete, but the entry is for the United Kingdom! 
So, when you get a request for a cake for someone who loves the Eurovision song contest, but is Welsh, it's a bit of a no brainer!! :)
If you were to Google the Eurovision butterfly, you would see that there are a lot of logos with different flags superimposed on them! - This was what I was going to attempt! 

Eurovision logo for 2013

After asking my husband to print out different variations of the butterfly and the welsh flag, I set about cutting them out with my craft knife!
At first I had planned to use one template to airbrush the dragon onto the background of green and white, but this did not work so well! So instead I set about carefully cutting the dragon out with my knife from red modelling fondant. Yes, it did take ages!! I totally expected it to fall to pieces, to have bits missing, or to just look nothing like the dragon on the flag!! Surprisingly though it worked!! I was left with just the butterfly to cut out, which as you can see was a much easier job!!

The cake itself was to be a fairly simple and plain one, and I left plenty of room on the board for the writing!
You will see that at the top I added the Eurovision heart, which although accurate, looks like I am just really bad at drawing hearts!!! Oh well, you can't have it all I suppose!!